Sunday, 20 January 2013

CUSJ Calls Conservatives to Pass Bill C-400 - A National Housing Strategy

For Full Housing Campaign including petition, sample letters, and MP visits go to our Housing Page at

Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice
A national faith-based organization founded in support of Unitarian values
P.O. Box 40011, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0W8
President, Rev. Frances Deverell                                                                

January 20, 2013

The Hon. Diane Finley,
Minister of Human Resources and Social Development;
House of Commons,
Ottawa, ON., K1A 0A6

RE:  Bill C-400 to Implement a National Housing Strategy

Dear Hon. Diane Finley:

I write to appeal to you to honour the commitment you made in May 2012 when you and the Prime Minister and the whole conservative caucus voted that “the Government “should keep with Canada’s obligation to respect, protect and fulfill the right to adequate housing as guaranteed under the international Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.” 

We are well aware that this government has renewed its homeless strategy till 2014, and has spent 1.2 billion under the Affordable Housing Initiative as well as other initiatives.  We note your programs to support infrastructure maintenance.  We thank you for these positive efforts, but they are not enough.  A patchwork, ad hoc group of initiatives has not realistically addressed the problem that around 400,000 people in Canada are either living on the streets or using shelters at least some of the time.  Thousands of low-income people wait years to get into social housing.  We are embarrassed to note that the United Nations has identified homelessness in Canada as a human rights crisis!  We need a comprehensive national housing strategy that is adequately funded, based on consultation with vulnerable target groups in Canada.

We are looking for:
·      Engagement and consultation with all stakeholders including First Nations, organizations representing persons with mental health issues, people on welfare or disability, the working poor, people escaping violence, the elderly, retired soldiers, and the private sector.
·      Clear targets and timelines to end homelessness.
·      Independent processes for evaluation and accountability
·      Effective complaint mechanisms and resources to investigate and respond.
·      Financial supports for those who cannot afford market rates.

Bill C-400 is a good bill that provides legislative commitment to implement the promise you made last May.  It affirms that access to affordable housing is a human right.  It is a good first step towards action for change.  Support for this bill by the Conservative caucus would demonstrate your good will and intentions to solve the problem of homelessness in Canada.

Faith Communities such as Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice ( and Not-for-profit organizations who work to improve the condition of the poor are looking forward to working in collaboration with you to solve these problems in Canada.  Give us Bill C-400 as a foundation for real change.

In faith,

Rev. Frances Deverell,
President, Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice

cc. The Hon. Prime Minister Stephen Harper
            The Hon. Thomas Mulcaire, Leader of the Opposition
            Bob Rae, Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
            Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada
            News Media
            Canadian Unitarian Council
            Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada
            Dignity For All
            Canada Without Poverty
            Citizens For Public Justice

Chief Spence on a Symbolic Fast

Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice
A national faith-based organization founded in support of Unitarian values
P.O. Box 40011, Ottawa, ON, K1V 0W8
President, Rev. Frances Deverell                                                                

2013 01 19

Prime Minister Stephen Harper,
80 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON K1A 0A2

The Hon. John Duncan
Minister, Aboriginal and Northern Affairs,
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0A6

Governor General David Johnston
1 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0A1

Dear Prime Minister and Governor General;

I am writing again to support Chief Spence in her appeal to have the two of you meet together with First Nations leaders to address the long-standing justice issues for First Nations people in Canada.  Unitarians across Canada are very concerned about the well-being of Chief Spence as her body weakens.  To allow her to die in this cause would be a travesty when we should be moving forward on these issues without being forced.

Whatever your thoughts about her person or her tactics, clearly, she is on a symbolic fast that is having a powerful effect on the First Nations people of all ages and in all locations.  The fish broth was used by First Nations to survive when there was no food during a harsh winter.  Our First Nations people have been fasting for a very long time – through multiple generations.  They are fighting for their very survival as unique peoples and cultures.  This is a situation that is beyond the usual politics and as Canadians, we need to be transformed in our attitudes.

I appeal to you today.  Take appropriate steps to bring Canadians into right relations with our First Nations.  Begin the negotiations for economic, cultural and environmental justice.  Don’t let this opportunity for change turn into a tragedy with repercussions for years to come.

In faith and prayer,

Rev. Frances Deverell,
President, Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice

cc First Nations groups
Media release
Idle No More