Friday 27 September 2013

Report Confirms the Need for Action is Urgent

2013 09 27

Today we lost one of our five fasters to other activities and two others who were going to be joining us this week-end to illness.  The four of us who were left gave it our all to create an event that might get a media bite..   With the help of friends (a big thanks to Graham Saul and his staff at Ecology Ottawa and to Bob Stevenson and Koozma Tarasoff) we carried our banners through the Byward market to 24 Sussex to highlight the new IPCC report on climate change and what we have to do about it.  CTV actually came with camera but we weren’t good enough to catch the CTV news.  A bit disappointing. 

The IPCC report was about as expected.  Immediately climate scientists were saying "the debate is over" while climate deniers were saying "See -- the temperature hasn't risen for fifteen years and in some areas ice is increasing,"  These arguments show people's deep misunderstanding of the issues.  We still have the hottest 30 years in 800 years.  There has been no decline in temperature as one might expect if normal cycles were in play.  Part of the reason why atmospheric temperatures have not gone up is that heat has been absorbed by the oceans, and that is why the ice is melting at double the rate expected.  If there are areas where the ice is expanding, it can usually be explained by particular localized circumstances.  The story is still the same.  We need to work together all around the globe to focus on renewable energy and wean ourselves from carbon fuels.  We need a change of heart.  And hope that we can create the political will to do it.  

Several people from other countries told me today there is only one solution.  We have to change the people we are electing into leadership.

It was a hot day in Ottawa.  We returned to the hill to hand out flyers and talk to staffers and visitors for another day.  We had a moment of encouragement when Marc Garneau decided to sign the pledge.  That brings us up to 107 MP’s. 

Our energy is flagging.  You could give us some encouragement by writing to us and telling us you have sent a letter to a politician or a newspaper.  I think  it is especially important to write to Justin Trudeau.  He is on record as supporting Tar Sands development.  He needs to be persuaded that this is not an acceptable policy after this IPCC report’s recommendations.  If you are in Ontario, you could also write Kathleen Wynne.  She is designing Ontario’s energy policy.  There’s a sample letter on my blog.

We have to get our heads out of the tar sands.  A much better future is possible if we only dream it and make it happen.  

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